Week 16

12:13 PM

Hey there!

Happy Victoria Day! Unless you're in Quebec then Bonne Journee National des Patriots! (National Patriot's Day)

This week was solid. Like super solid. Lemoyne was struggling for the past like month or so. I have no clue if it was the people being super closed off, or if it was us not being great missionaries, or what. But after a lot of prayer, and faith, and diligence, miracles are happening! The work in Lemoyne is progressing!

We got a lot of contacting done. Sister A and I have a goal to just be super bold with everyone we meet. I go up to everyone even if it feels super awkward and just start talking to them. Sometimes, you even get a super funny experience out of it! Sister Leon and I were on mini exchanges this week and we wanted to pass by some formers. Well one of them gave us a nice cold shoulder so we decided to just talk to everyone in the area. We found this man who was just smoking on his porch (super common) and we start talking with him. Anywho, he goes off about how religion is just created by man to enslave us in some system. And then he talked about the USA and how lucky we were to be from there because we have a lower tax. And then just went off about how he's a slave to the system and all that jazz. So we get the feel pretty quick that he's weird. So we ask him…"Well, who do you know who had a death in their family recently?" and he goes off saying, "Me! My cat died last thursday it was super traumatic. He got run over by a truck but wasn't completely dead so I had to snap his neck." ….yikes. 

The members in Lemoyne are super amazing! They are starting to really want to contribute to missionary work. Sister A gave a talk on Sunday that really helped to boost everyone's attitude towards missionary work. We got about 15 people to sign up to come teach with us! And then I got to give the lesson in sharing time, and it was so cute with all the french kiddos.

Sister A and I have a mini-mission this week! Except she's not that mini..because she's going on a mission to Ecuador this August! But it will still be super fun. I can't wait. I remember when I went on a mini-mission like…3 years ago, and it was such a great experience! 

Here are some more cultural facts:

1. The cops wear camo pants! Idk why, they just do.

2. Ice cream shops close in the winter and open back up in May, so that has been super fun

3. Gas pumps don't have that thing that allows you to walk away from the pump, you just have to stand there and hold it the whole time.

4. Everyone J-walks!

I know so many good things are in store for Lemoyne! I'm nervous because we get transfer calls next week and I could leave, but my guess is that I stay and sister A leaves! Guess we will have to wait and see...

-Sister Garcia 

Scripture of the week:

2 Nephi 31:3

Quote of the week:

"My boss said, "Do you think I work for Satan?" and I said, "yes!" and quit my job! It was an act of faith"

Chocolate Favoris aka the best ice cream place ever. You get a flavour and then they dip the cone in this special chocolate
Cute little Ayana
Mini exchange with Sœur Leon!
I tried to make a smoothie this morning…it failed. I don't even wanna talk about how this is possible. 

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