Is it winter or spring? No one knows

2:29 PM


Yes, it is in fact that time of the week again. That time of the week where you get the wonderful privilege of reading my e-mail and hearing about the life of a sista missionary.

Well right off the bat this weeks weather haas been completely bipolar. It rained for about 3 days and was absolutely freezing. And then the next day it was sunny and warm and beautiful and went right back to freezing rain. Plus everyone says the weather in celsius so I never actually know how warm/cold it is. I am getting a nice taste of the wind that chills you to the bone, and it is not fun (especially when I decide to be tough and not wear tights)

This weekend was #LDSconference! I hope that all of you watched because the prophet spoke and that's kind of a huge deal. Wow, I seriously just love President Monson so much. He looks a little weak up there, my heart kind of breaks when I hear him speak because I can tell his age is starting to catch up with him.. regardless, we should heed to his council and "choose the harder right rather than the easier wrong" so simple, yet so important. It can be so easy to make decisions based off of what we want now or what's popular but we must continually to hold firm to the iron rod and continually choose the right. I mean, Heavenly Father has so many blessings waiting for us but we must choose to receive them! He will never force any of us into the celestial kingdom.

One of my favourite things that was continually repeated at conference was that scripture from D&C 68:6 which said, "Be of good cheer, do not fear" Once again, so simple. But honestly, I am constantly asking myself, "What am I doing here? How did I end up on a mission?" but I have seen how much Heavenly Father has taken care of me and blessed me for making this decision. And so I continue to be happy in the work and not be scared of rejection or all the things back home that I have no control over. It'll all work out, I may not know how, but I know it will.

As far as the missionary work goes, we have 3 progressing investigators now! Only 1 with a baptismal date, but we're working on it. Melissa is honestly the best. She has such a strong testimony and a desire to be good. I can't wait until April 30th when we get to go to her baptism! She's so excited she's been inviting all of her friends and her husband isn't interested in the church but she is making sure he comes. The others are Suzanne and Jean-Marie. Suzanne is doing really well, keeping her commitments, progressing slowly, but progressing. Jean-Marie is awesome too. We teach his daughter Eftamala english and now he's allowing us to teach him the lessons. He watched conference! So that is a huge step. 

Oh fun experience this week, my companion and I have decided to work a lot harder at contacting. It's hard because we can't really speak French and people either think we are Jehovahs Witnesses or nuns so they avoid us…it's fun! So the other night we were walking in this area and it was getting pretty late, pretty dark…and I saw a man walking with a dog. And I was just thinking, "perfect." Dogs are an awesome way to start a conversation, and definitely not what kidnappers use to get young girls. So I start talking to him and he's super nice! Not super interested in religion but curious to know more about the so called "Mormons" and so we leave him with our card tell him if he has any questions to just let us know! So he texts us and we're all excited and then he just sends us a text that says, "besos"" (a.k.a. spanish for kisses) Yiikkkkeeesss. So even though he's super nice and friendly, he might be a little tooo friendly…

Well I am all out of time for this week! Hope everyone is doing great. Love and miss you all!

If you ever have the urge to send me stuff (like a nice letter) my address is:
470 Rue Gilford ste 300
Montreal, QC
H2J 1N3

Love always,

Sister Garcia  

Scripture of the week:

D&C 68:6

Quote of the week:

"Wait. You're allowed to get married?"

Morning walk (disregard how I look it was 6:40 am) 

The elders only speak truth 

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